Okay, so track along with me ... I was listening to the radio a few mornings ago while walking and someone on a podcast I was listening to mentioned a publication named, "Repeat the Sounding Joy." It got me to thinking... "Repeat the sounding joy ... Repeat the sounding joy ... I was thinking about how that would fit with one of the movements of Advent that I wanted to write about. I thought about the fourth, and final week's movement, "Joy," but that was too easy! And I can never make anything easy! So I kept thinking about it and soon, my thoughts evolved to: "Repeat after me ... Repeat after me ... " That might be a good theme for the first week! Repeat after me: Hope does not disappoint. How many times have you had to learn something over and over again? Has anyone ever told you after you've failed, "Okay [your name here], repeat after me..." As I write that, I am thinking of my wife, who is teacher. She has probably sent many...