Don't You Know? Part 6

Don't you know that happiness is not the point? It can't be. Why? Because happiness changes with circumstances. What (or who) you are happy with today, can, and probably will, change tomorrow. You've heard the old saying, "Don't like the weather in Texas? Wait a few minutes and it'll change." That's what it's like with happiness. Happy at the moment? Wait a minute, it'll change. Something will happen that you won't like. Heck I'm not even talking about a drastic change that takes you from exuberance to despair. Even going from say, the happiness of finding an unexpected $20 in your jeans while doing the laundry to the realizing you have 3 more loads to do, can be a real bummer and create a sense of boredom and monotony that is anything but happy. On an even tougher level, that boyfriend or girlfriend or spouse you're expecting to make you happy for the rest of your life? Not going to happen. Not on the level we usually expect. ...