Don't You Know? Part 5
Don't you know that life is fleeting – here one minute, swept away the next?
I was visiting the local TV station's website to read about a storm system due to arrive in my area after 10 this morning. The page I was reading was set up as a live blog page, with reporters updating the situation as needed. The first update at the top of the page read like this:
7:30 a.m.: The fatal Forest Hill accident and the wreck in Dallas near Mountain Creek Parkway and I-20 mentioned in the update about an hour ago have both been cleared.
Just like that, a fatal accident and it's remains (pun intended) are cleared away and life goes on for the majority of us. If I weren't writing this, I doubt I would even remember reading that line. It reminded me that we THINK we'll be here later today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year… but the truth is, we don't know what the future holds for us.
Now I could insert a bunch of platitudes about WHO holds the future, living for today, maximizing every moment, etc., but that all seems trite to me at this moment. All of it's true, but it doesn't seem enough considering someone lost their life and friends and family lost someone they love.
I will say this though: Never glance past an item like the above without stopping to consider what it means to you and your life. I think you'll find yourself thanking HIM that you are still here with opportunities to make a difference in this world.