Jason Castro Sings "Clumsy"

He used to be part of the worship team at the church (Lakepointe Church in Rockwall, TX) my family attends... then a little thing called American Idol happened and I haven't seen him on stage since. This is one of my all-time favorite songs - not because of the music, but because of the words about what it's like to walk with Christ.


Susan said…
Thanks for bringing this up. Had not seen it for awhile. It was one of the first things I found when I started to research Jason.
Alan Paul said…
Thanks Susan. I hadn't intended it, but it's amazing the amount of hits you get when you insert the name of a popular person in your blog.
Unknown said…
When you insert the name "Jason Castro"! ;) He already has a huge fanbase, and we're always on the lookout for news about him.
Susan said…
Well some of Jason's fans will be at your church in a couple of weeks, when we come in from well everywhere for his concert.
Alan Paul said…
Where is he playing? I honestly never followed "Idol" - I was never into it. And I never really noticed he was any better as a singer than anyone else on the stage - but then again, I am usually there to worship and not focus too much on who's singing... but I am an old guy - so I guess that's expected.
Susan said…
Funny that you would use his video then? Anyway, Jason will be playing with Patti LaBelle at the Special Events Center, Garland Texas on December 13th.
Alan Paul said…
I love the song and stumbled across it while I was looking for something from Lakepointe Church on YouTube. He does a really good job on this song - almost as good as the original by Chris Rice.
Susan said…
He is really quite talented in his interpretation of many songsand He is getting better all the time.And such a very sweet person. His own music is really quite inspired as well. Your in art? my daughter as a associates degree in illustration and did graphic art for awhile, but could not make a living.
Alan Paul said…
Yes - I am an art director. My associates is in graphic design. I have been in the business since the early 90s. Illustration is hard to make a living at. I started off as a graphic designer, then art director then had my own studio full time for awhile and then decided to go work for a ministry as their art director. I am still there and also run my own studio on the side.
You can see some of my design and illustration work at apcreative.blogspot.com if you'd like.

I am off to bed...
Susan said…
Your work is just amazing and fulfilling. What a blessing to yourself and others. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Alan Paul said…
Thanks Susan... you have a blessed Thanksgiving as well. BTW: Thanks for the convo.
Susan said…
HI Mr Paul. It is Susan again. Have you seen Jason's 'I AM SECOND' video? It is on IAMSECOND.COM, then find and click on his picture. We are all so proud of him. Have a great day.
Alan Paul said…
I'll check it out. Thanks.
Alan Paul said…

That's a cool site... I especially liked the one by Tony Evans.

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