He used to be part of the worship team at the church (Lakepointe Church in Rockwall, TX) my family attends... then a little thing called American Idol happened and I haven't seen him on stage since. This is one of my all-time favorite songs - not because of the music, but because of the words about what it's like to walk with Christ.
Now wouldn't it be nice if we could disagree as agreeably as these two do ? Not holding my breath though... generally there is too much fear being propagated on both sides of the issue.
My wife and I celebrated our 11th anniversary tonight by going to see a movie and then to eat dinner. On the way from the theater to the restaurant, we drove by our old church building. When our former church merged with another church, we sold the building we were in at the time to Parkside Baptist Church, a fundamentalist Baptist church. I read their marquee sign by the road with amusement. It said: Old Fashioned Services King James Bible Hymn in Every Pew My wife and I both looked at each other and said the same thing:"Thanks for the Warning!" I fully expect to see "Turn or burn" on their marquee next week. Oh wait! My mistake! It will more likely say, "Turneth or Thou Shalt Burneth" I am thinking, at least in my opinion, that it would have better to raze the buildings and sell the land to some secular company to develop than having sold it to these folks. Legalists do more damage to Christ's cause than anyone or anything else with the possible exce