The Truth

I have responded a few times to a couple of Bruce Tomaso's posts over at the Dallas Morning News' blog. Each time he has chastised me for not allowing for others' beliefs - not being "tolerant" of those who don't agree with me. Those who don't believe like I do. I haven't responded to him yet and probably won't. He seems to be a pretty cynical creature from reading his snide remarks when he posts something or replies to those he doesn't agree with. Considering that I am a pretty stubborn cynic myself who isn't likely to have his mind changed by someone whom I already disagree with, it's not worth my time and effort to debate him about his intolerance towards me (and those he disagrees with).

Still, I find it personally necessary to remind him of one verse in the book of John:

John 14:6

This statement does not support diversity of beliefs nor does it depend upon anyone agreeing or disagreeing with it. As a business associate of mine likes to say, "It is what it is."


Anonymous said…
Alan, what the URL for the DMN blog you are talking about?
Alan Paul said…
Go to the front page - look down mid page - maybe more towards the bottom where all of the blogs are and look for the religion blog. Many folks blog on it. It's been a few weeks since I have been there - even longer since I have commented - but Bruce usually has a something snide, sarcastic or cynical to say about that which he posts...
Tim Dahl said…
To be honest...

I don't read the paper newspapers (though I will check their websites). 1) They are large and cumbersome. 2) They leave nasty black residue on your fingers. That is enough for me to stay away from them.

I watch the nightly local news, and I might go to the FWStar Telegram if I want to find something in particular.

Tim Dahl

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