Innocent Baby, Guilty Criminal, No Contradiction

I am in the midst of reading The Appeal by John Grisham. I don't feel like typing a synopsis of the book - it's not really pertinent to what I am about to say anyways. Grisham slipped in a line in the book saying that opposing abortion and supporting the death penalty are contradictory. The headline of this post says everything you need to know about my argument that there is no contradiction..

I challenge anyone to prove me wrong...


Anonymous said…
Usher: Hey Deak, Alan's gallery is hot!

Deacon: Yeah - why?

Usher: He sees the difference between "church - the man-made house of card" and the church that Christ speaks of and was part of the 1st century
Alan Paul said…
Thanks - I appreciate it...
Anonymous said…
What if the man is innoncent also? Especially with greedy power hungry DA's and prosecutors who want to be DA's! Our justice system has failed the marginalzied greatly. But I guess it is the best we got until the real judged declares the guilty found in Him innoncent and the guilty who rejected Him guilty
Alan Paul said…
I am not sure of the answer to that question. It is the question that stumps those of us who hold to the death penalty. Most would say if we can't guarantee everyone we find guilty to actually be guilty, then we shouldn't have the death penalty. Problem is, that logic falls apart when you apply it to lesser offense. Since we really can't 100% guarantee anyone's guilt or innocence - we only human after all, we're not God, then I suppose we should just not send anyone to prison at all sine we can't really be 100% their guilty.

In the end, we the people, who sit on the jury, are responsible for the decisions we make regarding someone's guilt or innocence -not the DA's and not the one's who want to be DA's. The final word lies with the jury - at least at the original trial, before all of the appeals.

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